Our Roots
How The Tacky Tree Company Came To Be
The Tacky Tree Company was born one cold
afternoon in December, 1995. As we (Fern and I)
decorated our family's Christmas tree, we realized
what a unique collection of ornaments we had
and thought of the joy they had brought us every
year during the Yule season. We thought that if we
could bring just a little of this happiness to others,
our lives would not have been lived in vain. It is for
this reason, therefore, that we started our company,
naming it "Tacky Tree" after our own tree at home.
Since these humble beginnings, we have expanded
our company to include not only Christmas ornaments
(unique, handcrafted in the United States) but also
accessories, home decor, and literature. Tacky Tree
is, after all a home business, family owned and operated
for all these years, and that is why we feel our products
are simply the tops in their class.
Tacky Tree headquarters are located right in our
hometown of Ft. Lauderdale Florida. We do not,
however have stores open for business. The TTC
is purely a mail order company, catering, especially
to the needs of students, away from home, either in
college, or other ministry trips. We flatter ourselves
that we provide a useful service, making otherwise
lonely hours, fun-filled.
Many People have asked about our mascot, Floyd.
Floyd came to us during one of the many hurricanes
which Florida is subject to. When the weather cleared
he decided to stay and make his home with us. It must
be understood at this point that at no time was he
coerced or bribed into staying, but has chosen, of
his own free will to remain our faithful and loving pet.
As our acquaintance with Floyd grew and developed,
it became apparent of the great need in our society to
understand and appreciate these beautiful birds. If only
we could be more like flamingoes, how simple our lives
would be! Fern and I decided to propagate our ideas by
opening a plastic lawn flamingo factory (for plastic flamingoes,
not plastic lawns, though we do have some of those in FL.)
However, Florida being as it is, we soon realized that we
were only one of many who had had that brilliant idea
and we were forced out of business, selling off our stock
to low-rent motels and apartments. It was at this sad time
that we were struck by the inspiration for Tacky Tree,
and have been sitting pretty ever since. It is our goal to
make Floyd the Flamingo the most recognized animal since
Rex the Wonder Dog.

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